What is the purpose of ventilated cabinets and doors
Ainsley Gialamas
Our Ventilated cabinets and lockers feature full-length panels on the door panels that allow for air circulation and prevent moisture and fumes from building up inside the cabinet when doors are closed. The doors allow for a limited amount of visibility into a cabinet to maintain the security and structural integrity of the locker or cabinet.
Ventilated doors are featured on multi-compartment lockers, single-tier lockers, and single lockers. This allows for easy employee storage of their belongings while airing them out or drying them after use. Ventilated lockers can be purchased in our 25-year warranty backed 14 gauge. The lockers are able to be welded out of our 18-gauge steel, which features a 10-year warranty and is a more economical solution, or our 12 Gauge steel, which has a 99-year warranty. Cabinets featuring ventilated doors are ideal for storage of paints, cleaning supplies, and fragrant liquids.
Each storage solution, cabinet, and locker can be customized to feature a ventilated body or ventilated doors upon request. Our other door styles include Clearview, which allows visibility and 5S implementation, and solid, to allow for complete privacy. Contact us today to customize your facility’s storage solutions.