How to Make Workstations Mobile
Vinny Camma
In this blog, we'll go over a simple way to take a stationary bench with threaded leg inserts or adjustable threaded feet and convert it into a mobile, stable workstation.
In order to convert your stationary bench into a mobile workstation, you must first confirm that your bench can support casters, whether they be grip ring stem style, threaded stem style, or plate style casters. Once you have confirmed that you can in fact support casters, you must mind the kind of casters that best support your floor, application, and facility conditions. Important things to consider are they type of floor you have, the conditions your facility is often in (especially in the areas in which your bench will be rolling around) and the capacity of the load your bench will support on any given day.
Once you have selected your caster solution, install and test your new mobile bench to ensure that it will perform to your expectations by testing its maneuverability, its ability to remain in place when stopped, and the casters' ability to operate under load.
Ready to follow a simple walkthrough to install casters on your Bench in a Box? Click below!