The Benefit of Double Shift Cabinets
Ainsley Gialamas
Double shift cabinets offer many benefits for a facility, especially warehouses, distribution centers, and manufacturing plants. Most facilities work in multiple shifts to keep their floor and production running, this also means that there is often a crossover between personnel during these times. When it comes to employee storage it is imperative that companies can provide a secure and convenient storage solution. Many companies require technology such as phones to be secure during shifts which also mandates a high level of security for these cabinets. This is where our double shift cabinets come into play.
Our cabinets feature 3-point locking systems for complete security, a padlock hasp, and doors open and lock independently. Independent locking systems allow for multiple employees to store personal belongings as well storage for tools, equipment, and other valuable supplies. Each side’s possessions with be secure and can be organized on multiple shelves or in multiple drawers. Additional storage features such as bins and more shelving can be added upon request as well. We offer double shift cabinets in our heaviest duty option which is 12 Gauge steel and has a 99-year warranty, our 25-year warranty backed 14 gauge, and in 18-gauge steel, which features a 10-year warranty and is a more economical solution,
Each double shift cabinet can be customized for additional storage features, a larger size, and different steel gauge, and in be manufactured in a custom color to match your branding or workspace. Custom cabinets are available in 4 weeks! Contact us today to get a custom quote started!